Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Lenten Journey: V Formation

Today's readings: Ps 43, 149; Ez 39:21-29; Phil 4:10-20; John 17:20-26

When geese and other migratory birds travel long distances together, they do it in what is called a “V Formation.” Each bird relies on the updraft created by the bird in front of it to travel more easily and for further distances. As the lead bird – the tip of the “V” – tires, others rotate into the lead position. No one is in the front or the back for too long. Pilots flying in groups imitate this behavior not just for the increased efficiency, but also because it allows them to keep other members of the group in sight.

During our own Lenten journey - and our entire life journey – we can’t be Christians while flying solo. Any single goose can fly, but staying safe and ahead of the encroaching winter requires a group effort. Any single Christian can believe all the “right” things, but justice, love and mercy require meaningful interaction with others. Can one person address the needs of the hungry or the poor? A little maybe. But the synergy of a group food pantry can accomplish far more than the self-contained efforts of individual kitchens. And a group speaking in unison to change the injustices that create hunger in the first place has a louder impact than a cacophony of disjointed if well-intended messages. And a community of people preparing meals for a person or family in crisis provides not just food, but the invaluable assurance of a community in solidarity with the suffering.

Many such efforts may begin with the idea or drive of a single person. If we are that leader, we need to recognize when it is time to rest and let someone else lead the “V” for a while, or risk tumbling from the sky in exhaustion. If we are on the tips or in the middle of the effort, we must be prepared to step up when our time comes, knowing we will not be called to lead forever. Giving and receiving are both part of the faith experience.

When Jesus prayed to prepare his disciples for his death, he asked God that they would be made as one (John 17:22), knowing how much of their strength and grace resided in their ability to act together to bring about God’s realm. Let’s find the formation that helps us lift and be lifted.

Comfort: Dependence on community is a strength, not a weakness.

Challenge: Before Lent is over, ask someone for help.

Prayer: God of the journey, connect me to the people on my path.

Evening readings: Ps 31, 143

Discussion Question:
Do you find it more to difficult to offer help, or to ask for it? Why?


  1. I have a very easy time offering my help but as for asking for it and than after recieving it is when it's most difficult for me.

  2. I feel similarly. It is always a real lesson in humility (the good kind) when I have to ask for help.
