Some days the biggest stumbling block to faith is scripture itself. Amid its inspiration, today’s passage from Genesis contains some truly horrifying ideas. God promised Abram he would father a nation, but he and his wife Sarai did not conceive a child. An impatient Sarai suggested Abram impregnate her servant Hagar. Under the laws of the time, Sarai could have claimed legal possession of the child. The law also claimed that if Hagar started acting “uppity” after conceiving, her mistress could punish her – so naturally that’s exactly what happened. When Hagar ran away, God advised her to return with the promise her child would also beget a nation.
Forced surrogacy. Abuse. Slavery endorsed by God. Is it any wonder many people find it so easy to reject the Bible wholesale?
Many Biblical literalists and militant atheists approach the Bible in the same way: either it’s true or it isn’t. They simply come to opposite conclusions. Moderate and progressive Christians can find themselves caught up in defending why they bother with the Bible at all, if they don’t find scripture inerrant. Convoluted excuses and justifications for stories like this one (and worse) erode faith rather than strengthen it.
The Bible is not God. Treating it like it is might be the most acceptable form of idolatry going today. God can withstand our questions and criticisms of Bronze Age culture. Just because Jesus didn’t speak out against slavery doesn’t mean our attitude toward it remains unchanged over 2000 years. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 advises: “Test all things; hold fast what is good.” God has given us the ability to discern what is moral and what is immoral, though in cases like slavery it takes us far longer than it should to make the right call. Acceptable practices become unacceptable, and “abominable” practices such as short hair on women grow inoffensive.
The fact that people have used the Bible both to justify and condemn slavery tells us the truth it contains needs more thought than the popular “The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it.” Trust that truth is Godly, wherever it is found.
Evening readings: Psalms 125; 91