Today's Readings: Ps 102; Jud 41:20-15:20; Acts 7:17-29; John 4:43-54
Art teaches truths beyond the reach of simple facts. Psalm 102 contains some of the most abundant imagery of any work in the psalter. The psalmist invokes vivid images because the facts do not adequately communicate the depths of his despair or his awe of the Lord. “I am terribly sad” would tell us something, but it can’t compare to the exquisite anguish expressed by “I eat ashes with my food and mingle my drink with tears” (v 9). While “God is eternal” might be useful statement for an academic theology discussion, it doesn’t say much about God’s relationship to the mortal world. Describing the heavens and earth as garments that will eventually wear out and that God will change like clothing (vv 26-27) helps listeners and readers sink their teeth into the concept of eternity. Burning bones, withering grass, a little bird on a roof – these densely packed imagines don’t just impart knowledge but help us experience the emotional state of the psalmist.
Prayer has many forms. When we pray from our deepest pains or joys, stating the facts may not be adequate to share our experiences. Could we consider writing God a poem? The idea may sound new-age or like something to do when Vacation Bible School is rained out, but the Bible is loaded with prayerful poems. Its 150 psalms and numerous canticles (hymns) tell us poetry is an integral part of the language of faith. Songs we sing in church are other people’s poems set to music. We don’t have to be as skilled as the psalmists or the great composers to express our feelings. Any honest attempt at prayer can only bring us closer to God.
Considering the Bible, prayer or God from a poetic or other artistic perspective can deepen our religious experience. Because modern culture tends to equate truth only with facts, we may feel like doing so negates the truth of the Bible, but this is not so. Picasso’s Guernica tells truths about war no history book can convey. Likewise, poetry and art can open new avenues in our relationship with God
Comfort: God can reach our hearts in many ways.
Challenge: Write a poem to God about your needs and joys. If you are not comfortable with a poem, try a letter or other artistic expression.
Prayer: God of healing, teach me to recognize truth in all its forms.
Evening readings: Ps 105:23-45
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