Saturday, August 28, 2010

Holy Arguments

Today's readings: Ps 20, 21; Job 10:1-9, 16-22; Acts 11:1-18; John 8:12-20

I kept my faith, even when I said, “I am greatly afflicted”
- Psalm 116:10 (from this evening’s readings)

On Wednesday we considered the importance of being silent and listening for God. True spiritual silence is an achievement that doesn’t always come easily, especially when we are upset. Sometimes we first need to clear our heads by venting our anger and negativity. Even anger at God needs to be expressed. The psalmist knew this, and Job knew it when he said “I will give free utterance to my complaint” (Job 10:1).

Job accuses God of setting him up with a great life so his fall will be even harder. Do we ever feel like God has set us up to fail? Or like God is testing us? A popular cliché says “God never gives you more than you can handle.” Job would certainly seem to disagree. With its framing narrative of a wager between God and Ha’Satan, the Book of Job can easily be misunderstood to promote the theology of a God who is constantly testing us, a God who virtually hunts us, “bold as a lion” (v 16). Rather, it is a poetic exploration of our relationship with God and suffering. At one time or another we all feel we’ve been treated unfairly by life or God, and Job says the things we think at those times.

Arguing with God has a long tradition among the faithful. Jacob/Israel literally wrestled with God, and a nation was named for him. Every year during the Jewish High Holy Days from Rosh Hashanah (sometimes called Jewish New Year) to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), people of great faith are held accountable for their actions during the year – and they also hold God accountable. Only by speaking the truths held most deeply in our hearts can we fully express our faithfulness. God already knows what is in our hearts, so doing this is a matter of showing trust in a God loving and great enough to handle whatever we have to dish out.

We tend to think of arguments as negative events, but they are inevitable when we are building any deep relationship. Sometimes an argument is a sign that a relationship is worth fighting for.

Comfort: God accepts our whole hearts, not just the happy parts.

Challenge: Find and read some articles on having healthy arguments.

Prayer: God of truth, I open my whole heart to you.

Evening readings: Ps 110, 116, 117

Tomorrow's readings: Ps 148, 149, 150; Job 11:1-9, 13-20; Rev 5:1-14; Matt 5;1-12

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