Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lessons from Judges

Today’s readings: Ps 61, 62; Jud 2:1-15, 11-23; Rom 16:17-27; Matt 27:32-44

Today we begin reading from the book of Judges. This book recounts the history of the Israelites from Joshua’s death through the period just before the reign of Israel’s first king, Saul. The second chapter tells us the book will cycle through one central theme several times: Israel prospers then grows disobedient and God withdraws his favor until the plight of the Israelites softens his heart and he sends a judge to set them back on the right track. Over a dozen times. Unlike the writers of Judges who linked Israel’s fortunes directly to God’s favor or disfavor, we may not see such a direct relationship, but there are still lessons we can learn from this book.

One is simple, yet important: learn from your mistakes. During the approximately 200 years covered in Judges, the Israelites teetered on the brink of ruin multiple times, always for the same reason. It is easy to read the stories and shake our heads at their stubbornness and foolishness, but all of us have carried out this same behavior, just on a smaller scale. Maybe our relationships turn sour again and again because we can’t change our ways. Maybe our weight boomerangs in a vicious circle of diet and despair. Maybe we repeatedly sabotage our job or education or finances because we can’t let go of a particular mindset. We all have some story of an attitude or habit we had a difficult time changing, or still need to. Most of us have more than one. Though not every one needs a twelve step program, sometimes we all need to surrender to the higher power integral to their success.

Another important lesson: discarding or neglecting our relationship with God has consequences. Perhaps not direct punishment, but consequences intrinsic to our behavior – a sort of “built-in” system of moral checks and balances. Christ and the prophets may make it abundantly clear we need to put God and our neighbor above materialistic concerns, yet advertising and other highly influential aspects of our culture tell us exactly the opposite. However, our novels and films abound with morality tales about people who prioritize wealth, popularity, vanity, etc. above all else. In these tales, people nearly always either arrive at a bad end or save themselves by repenting. Could it be these stories are so popular because they strike a chord of truth within us? By nurturing our relationship with God, we can focus on priorities that deliver a true abundance, an abundance of the spirit.

As we work our way through the Judges of ancient Israel, let us consider what other lessons might be learned by today’s thoughtful reader.

Comfort: Like the north star, God helps our path stay true if we follow him.

Challenge: Change one part of your routine today and observe the effects.

Prayer: Merciful and loving God, my heart is set on you.

Evening reading: Ps 68

1 comment:

  1. Insanity is defines as trying the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. How do we break these cycles? One way is through prayer and the support of Jesus. If we don't grow, nothing changes.
