Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Lenten Journey: Avoiding the Primrose Path

Today's readings: Ps 34, 146; Gen 37:12-24; 1 Cor 1:20-31; Mark 1:14-28

We spend a lot of time and effort training children not to trust strangers, especially ones promising treats. That training endures well into adulthood. We don’t believe offers that sound “too good to be true.” Most of us don’t hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers. We lock up our homes, cars and birth certificates. Given the nature of the world, all these precautions are wise.

On the other hand, we are a people who like quick fixes and easy assurances. Proof lies in the bank accounts and hypocrisy of televangelists, politicians, Wall Street executives, and home shopping gurus. Headline after headline tells us we entrust them with far too much of our faith and money.

Then what are we to make of fishermen who “immediately” dropped what they were doing to follow Jesus, as Mark tell us, simply because he asked them to? In hindsight we support the decision, but what about someone who abandoned her or his life today to follow someone promising to make them “day traders of men?” Would the words “cult” or “deprogram” come to mind? Were the first disciples wise people or lucky fools?

The difference between wisdom and foolishness is a tough call. Because God’s values are upside down compared to the world’s values, we are constantly called to evaluate our decisions, and sometimes to act in ways others would consider foolish. For example, how many of use are willing to decrease our standard of living – move into a smaller house, drive a cheaper car, or take a lower paying job – to spend more money or time on the poor? Very few, and they are often judged with humor at best and suspicion at worst. The world tells us this is foolishness, yet it is freedom.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells us God makes the foolish wise and the wise foolish. Let’s not get cocky about which side of that equation we land on. Determining whether a path is right or merely attractive can take serious discernment. We want to follow Jesus quickly, but we want to be sure the path we choose truly leads to him. Let’s choose our guides with Godly wisdom and worldly foolishness.

Comfort: Your choices are between you and God.

Challenge: “Foolishly” critique your own opinion on a controversial issue.

Prayer: God of the journey, make your paths clear to me.

Evening readings: Ps 25, 91

Discussion Question:
Have you ever thought you were doing something right and it turned out wrong?

1 comment:

  1. YEP ....and I ALWAYS question everything I do now.
