Friday, June 3, 2011

Eat it: it's good for you!

Today's readings: Ps 96, 148; Ezek 1:28-3:3; Heb 4:14-5:6; Luke 9:28-36

Ezekiel’s vision of four-faced heavenly beings was vivid, but not something we can really relate to. On the other hand, the image he presents in today’s reading, while less fantastic, may pack more punch because we can actually picture it. God commissions Ezekiel as a prophet by presenting him a scroll and telling him to eat it. The scroll was covered with words of lament and mourning, and Ezekiel was commanded to share those words with the rebellious nation of Israel.

The image of consuming a scroll is simple, but it is rich with meaning. When God tells Ezekiel “eat what is before you,” (Ezek 3:1) he is confirming Ezekiel’s obedience, in direct contrast to the rebelliousness of the people. Scrolls in Ezekiel’s time were not made of paper, but either papyrus (the same basic material as sandals and baskets) or parchment (the skin of a kosher animal); neither would have been an appetizing proposition. Yet the scroll was sweet as honey in his mouth (v 3). Like Ezekiel, we may find the tasks to which God calls us less than appealing, but in the end we may find they provide us with a sweet fulfillment only discovered when following God. A popular riddle asks: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: one bite at a time. The stumbling block for most efforts is motivating ourselves to take the first step. If we can bring ourselves into obedience and choke down that first bite of scroll, who knows how sweet the rewards might be!

Wouldn’t it have been easier for Ezekiel to hold onto the scroll and read it to people? Probably. Yet as a prophet, Ezekiel was called to literally internalize the word of God, to let it nourish and become part of his very being. Do we consume scripture and let it become part of us, or are our scrolls lying around collecting dust? The answer is the difference between a living relationship with God and scripture that we can’t help but share because it’s part of us, and devotion to an eternally external text that is an object of study but not sustenance.

God does not offer us a mere recipe, but the bread of life itself. Let’s devour it with gusto!

Comfort: Faith is lived, not just studied and kept to ourselves.

Challenge: At each meal, offer a prayer of thanks.

Prayer: Holy God, let others see your spirit filling me up!

Evening readings: Ps 49, 138

Discussion question: Have you ever been reluctant to "eat" a task God has handed you? (please comment)

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