Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Barnacle-Free Faith

Today's readings: Ps 12, 146; Isa 52:1-12; Gal 4:12-20; Mark 8;1-10

One trait of an effective movement, whether religious or secular, is an ability to stay focused. Unfortunately, the older and larger a movement grows, the more likely it is to lose focus. We need look only as far as the church to see a primary example. Early Christians were focused around the idea that Jesus was the savior, and through him all sin was forgiven. They had de facto leaders but no real bureaucracy, and were more focused on freedom and restriction. Is that what the church looks like today? Can we imagine Peter poring over building use policy revisions, or Paul reading the latest theories on why you should have one third more seats than you do members? These activities aren’t wrong in and of themselves, but if we’re not careful we may start thinking and behaving as if the point of church is to perpetuate church, rather than to serve God.

One of Paul’s purposes in writing to the Galatians was to encourage them to return to the basics of the faith. Like present-day churches, the simple ideas and practices that bound them as a community began to accrete individual and cultural restrictions. Like barnacles on a ship – sometimes known as fouling organisms – these additions adversely impacted the effectiveness and structure of the church. Paul told the Galatians they needed to scrape off “fouling” ideas, particularly a return to justification through the Law (via circumcision) rather than through Christ. Today’s church is just as prone to fouling ideas. Most of the time we can recognize them because they separate us from each other or the world around us. Any time we decide someone who professes dedication to Christ is not a “real” Christian because their denomination, practices, or identity don’t fit our mold, we are probably victims of fouled faith. People have been petty enough to create rifts because someone brought the “wrong” kind of bread for communion. As Christians, we are called to rise above such trivialities and unite rather than divide.

Faith is not always simple, but let’s resist the temptation to complicate it unnecessarily. If we focus on Christ, the barnacles on our faith fall away.

Comfort: Christ is the lens that focuses our faith.

Challenge: What barnacles have you accumulated? Scrape them off.

Prayer: God of Abundance, I will keep my eye on Christ.

Evening readings: Ps 36, 7

Tomorrow's readings: Ps 96, 147:1–11; ; Isa 52:13—53:12; Gal 4:21–31; Mark 8:11–26

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