Friday, August 6, 2010

A Quiet Kind of Loud

Readings: Ps 88; Jud 9:1-16, 19-21; Acts 4:13-31; John 2:2-12

What might Peter and the disciples have meant when they prayed for God to help them ”speak his word with all boldness?” The most predictable meaning of “bold” might be “courageous and daring,” a stance the disciples had struggled with in the past. It also means “impudent.” Following Jesus required the disciples to buck convention, especially when religious authorities tried to maintain the oppressive status quo. No matter how truly a servant speaks, if the master doesn’t like the truth it sounds like insubordination. Another definition is “beyond the limits of convention.” The disciples were asking Israel and eventually the Gentiles to turn their thinking upside down and embrace a paradoxical theology. If the first are last and the last become first… who exactly is on first?

While we are still called to speak God’s word boldly, we must also be humble. For many people, boldness means loudness, intimidation and arrogance. Sheer volume can become the conversational equivalent of might making right. This is not the way to effectively spread God’s word. When someone yells or is overly forceful, the natural instinct of their target is usually either to retreat or to respond in kind. We can’t alienate someone and hope to communicate with them at the same time.

Companies with good customer service train their representatives to respond to angry customers by listening first, reflecting the customer’s feelings back to them, and then responding positively, firmly and calmly without ever raising their voices. This is bold in the sense that it goes against the natural impulses of the representative and redirects the customer. A good customer service agent defuses a tense situation and leaves the customer feeling satisfied – even when the customer is wrong.

We are not called simply to placate, but if we are to serve to the world, our attitude must be one of service. We do not need anger and hostility to validate a just cause. A quiet truth, spoken boldly and persistently, overcomes the loudest empty noise.

Comfort: Truth speaks louder than anything.

Challenge: The next time you are in an argument, don’t raise your voice.

Prayer: God of hope, teach me to be bold and humble.

Evening readings: Ps 91, 92

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